Twitter Does

Q: What has Twitter done for me?

A: While on vacation I have found a few minutes to sneak away and blog what I have been thinking about for a while now.  Since joining twitter, I have connected with great like-minded professional. The like-mindedness has re-affirmed me that what I am doing is good for me and the industry.  I think that most the time, all I am missing is a little validation that I can trust my own judgement.  This twitter community (twitterunity), as I call it, allows questions, comments, jokes, feedback (+/-) to passed back and forth without ego’s being bruised.  While I have not generated any new business directly from twitter, it has opened the door to a number of relationships and resources that are priceless.   Care to share what twitter has done for you?


4 Comments on "Twitter Does"

  1. Chris,

    I was skeptical about Twitter at first, but little by little I’ve found it to be a valuable tool to exchange ideas with like-minded professionals. Unfortunately, many people think of it as more like “teen texting” rather than a business networking tool. I wrote a blog post about what I’ve learned about Twitter that might be helpful to a new user:

  2. Michelle Edwards says:

    I wasn’t sure what to expect when I signed up for Twitter a while back. But I’ve had the same experience – I’ve met an awesome group of like-minded professionals that are so generous at sharing their experience, knowledge, and ideas with me. I look forward to chatting with other like-minded professionals and learning new tips everyday. I think Dustin sums it up perfectly in his blog post, “I believe that it does have a business application as a powerful educational and collaborative tool. As with any technology, any benefit you derive from Twitter depends on your use of it.”

  3. Joey Brannon says:

    I run a small firm and one of the things (maybe the only thing) I miss about the bigger firms I’ve worked for is being able to go lean on someone’s door frame and ask “what do you think about…?” Twitter is my digital door frame. The access to likeminded professionals is huge for me.

  4. Kara Haas says:

    The reasons for me beginning on twitter and the incredible connect-the-dot drawing of my twitter experience that has since ensued is absolutely amazing to me. I started with the oil spill, then Intuit outages, and then one wonderful person after another. I am still learning, sorting it out and stand in awe of the brilliant minds, incredible wit, generosity and sincerity.

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