R.I.P. Billable Hour

Firm of the Future, Firm of the Future, Firm of the Future.  Results are in the air!  Recently a colleague of mine (in the legal profession) presented at Ignite Law 2011.  Jay Shepherd, founder of Prefix LLC, shared in just 6-minutes, “How you will practice law in 2019.”  I learned that the billable hour was founded in 1919.  Who knew?  Jay goes into detail on how the legal profession can move away from the century old billable hour.  Pricing based on solutions is cool; old crusty time sheets are not.  If this type of TEDx learning/awareness is happening in the legal community, I see major hope for us CPA’s.   Enjoy, I know I did.


5 Comments on "R.I.P. Billable Hour"

  1. Kevin M says:

    Love the tombstone shot, thanks for posting this.

  2. I was going to steal this video and make a blog post too and you beat me to it. oh well – maybe I’ll still do it anyway – btw, loved the video. I think… when I grow up… I want to be Jay Shepherd. 😀

  3. Chris,

    Thanks for posting this, it is an excellent video and it explains what I am trying to do with my law practice.

    I loved the phrase at the end dicussing the problems of the profession are caused by the billable hour and the solution of valuing knowledge is right on point.

    When I have a client engagement that is billed by the hour, the communication between the client and me does not flow as free compared to a flat rate based on solutions I can provide in my estate planning counseling and documents.

    Thanks for sharing buddy, I hope you and your practice are well.


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